
INSquary : Identification

Please login with your email and password in order to access the application INSquary

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How to register? Register !
©Copyright INSquary 2024. All rights reserved.
Version 3.13.3
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The INSquary application is accessible with secure personal login credentials. You can get them either:
  • on the initiative of one of your already subscribed partners, inviting you to join the platform.
  • by registering directly via this form. In this case please complete the information below, the subscription is free for an unlimited period of time for all brokers and intermediaries registered with ORIAS in France + non-Premium insurers (subscription limited to compliance monitoring by partners who have invited).

If you are an insurer and wish to become a Premium member in order to benefit from the whole platform, a personalized study will be sent to you, and your email / password entered below will be activated upon acceptance of our offer.
Your login info
Email Help :
Password Help :
Confirm :
Your personal data
Corporate name :
SIREN num :
Registration num :

Title :
Lastname :
Firstname :
Job :
By clicking on "Submit my registration" you agree to our Terms & Conditions. Learn how we collect, process and protect your data by reading our Data Protection Policy and how we use cookies and similar technologies by visiting our Cookie Policy . You may receive email notifications from us and you may unsubscribe at any time.
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